Black Belt or Bust started as a conversation about the challenges of training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a woman. Now, we want to not only support and empower women in martial arts, but facilitate opportunities for like minded individuals to train together. 

About Your Hosts

Misty Stockhaus has been training jiu jitsu for five years and is currently a purple belt in Greenville, South Carolina at UFC Gym Greenville. She is a PR consultant for No Worries Academy and the UFC Gym in Greenville as well as a member of the Body By Boss Team with BJJ Black Belt Natalie Boss. She is a Performance Blueprint graduate through Body by Boss, an avid competitor, and jiu jitsu coach. 


Dr. Keelee McCarty has been training jiu jitsu for several years and is currently a purple belt in Denver, Colorado. She spends her days at the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine, specializing in fertility and genetics, but competes regularly. In the fall of 2023, she suffered a shoulder injury that required reconstructive surgery, but has been able to train throughout her recovery. She is a recent Performance Blueprint graduate through Body by Boss, is currently training at Way of Jiu Jitsu in Aurora, Colorado, and is sponsored by Ka'yo Kimonos.